Please feel free to contact us.


Common questions

These are questions we have from our customers frequently, and answers are below.

  • Q.The maximum size of shipping?
    A.It depends on countries. The maximum size many countries accept is about 20 to 30kgs as weight and 1.5m as length.
  • Q.Is it possible to deliver to hotels or post box?
    A.Yes, it is possible.
  • Q.Is it possible to return items?
    A.As long as selling agency accepts returned goods, it is possible. Shipping fee and handling fee will be charged.
  • Q.Is it possible to deliver to hotels or post box?
    A.Yes, it is possible.
  • Q.Is it possible to choose cash on delivery or payment on delivery?
    A.As long as you make payment beforehand, it is possible without handling charge.
  • Q.What is the size for box to ship?
    A.We sell large size box (62 x 48x 58cm) at \610yen. Size 120 (52 x 34 x 34cm) of recycled box 120 is free of charge.
  • Q.Can we change the bid price?
    A.For additional bid or other changes, we can handle it if you contact us during business hours. Please apply earlier to take plenty of time.
  • Q.Do I need to pay tariff?
    A.A recipient will pay for it.

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